HUMAN - Aquarel

Line art

I gave this work as a gift. A portrait in the form of a line drawing. It is a challenge to create a similar portrait with only a few lines. At first I just wanted to stick to a few lines. 'Less is more". Simplicity is often best. I did not stop at this line drawing. By applying some color the line drawing became a bit more lively. It is always exciting to continue with a work, because you never know in advance how it will turn out.


16 x 20 inch


Painted my son in watercolor this time. His white blond hair was a little out of place. When you look closely, you often see multiple colors appear in an object or image, even in white and black. I thickened these colors considerably and with an ink line here and there it gave this result. Totally different from the oil painting I made of my son before.


12 x 12 inch

‘Hello Little You!’ 

A small portrait on a birth card. Much fun to make and how special is it to receive this in your letterbox when a baby is born.


4 x 4 inch